Vertical Horizons Treehouse Paradise resort for sale Cave Junction, Oregon

 The Vertical Horizon Treehouse Paradise is for sale Vertical Horizon Treehouse resort for sale . The website is online Look at there biggest Treehouse called EXCALIFIR. 

Look how cool the woodwork is and design. 
Got to love the small entryway to the outside viewing porch. 
and looking up at the ceiling fan. 
Love the spiral staircase going up to the sleeping area above. 
and this angle showing the small kitchen area behind.
and this angle. 
Now view the small kitchen area up close. 
Now the bathroom 
and the sink area. 
This is EXCALIFER. It really looks nice.  
Now we move on to the SHITAKE tree house. 
Above is the doorway entry and below is how it looks in entirety on the outside. 
and here is the inside. You have to use a ladder to get upstairs in this one. 
Notice the small kitchen on left corner, couch behind the tree. Now let's look at the bathroom. 
and also the bedroom. 
There are two beds in the loft. This tree house is the SHITAKE. 
Beautiful up angle view below 
Now we have the CALYPSO tree house 
It certainly looks cozy 
and a view of the entryway in 
and the bedroom at one angle
and yet another 
There is a small dining area. 
Looks pretty unique. 
and last we have THE COTTAGE tree house. 
Here is the interior. 
There is a loft bedroom up the ladder as seen below.
There is a small kitchen area. 
and a view off the porch. 
It is all pretty cool. There is a residence with work buildings for the new owners/caretakers. 
It is pretty nice on the inside and you can view those photos here. Vertical Horizon Treehouse  Resort for sale and this can all be yours if you wish to buy it.
