The Lava Hot Springs Inn located in Lava Hot Springs, Idaho is for sale and my divine revelation to restore it to Grandeur.
The Lava Hot Springs Inn for sale and this link here: Lava Hot Springs Inn for sale
This hotel looks like a hospital and in its beginning it was a hospital used to help rehabilitate veterans of World War 1. This was built originally in the 1920's It later became a sanitarium, and then an Inn in the sixties. Now time has passed but the upkeep on the place has fallen by the wayside. If you don't believe me then just read the Lava Hot Springs Inn Yelp and the reviews on Lava Hot Springs Inn Reviews on Trip Advisor . Those are some of the funniest reviews I have ever read on any establishment being rated. To give an example I have to show the in suite bathroom for a room the hotel was charging $250.00 a night for where the privacy for the toilet is a shower curtain.Now that is hilarious and also disgusting. A woman in one of the reviews mentioned how she could hear a couple next door were going at it like a couple of mink while her husband passed gas and was defecating at the same time. I was inspired to start a comedy routine known as "The Toilet Comic" who goes on a comedy club stage with this set up and tells God awful jokes like, "Hey Kids, I just dropped a Kenny Loggins, welcome to the DANGER ZONE!!! Get it? Get It? Get It? It would probably work and a person could be famous and annoying like Gallager, Carrot Top, etc..........but I digress. The Hotel obviously needs to have some updated remodeling done. The best thing about the hotel is the location which is fantastic. Lava Hot Springs has some of the best Hot Springs in the United States because the springs have no chemicals, no sulfur, and no odor. There are like 22 plus minerals that are good for your health in the water. The city owned hotsprings are super nice. Just make sure if you use the Olympic pool and jump off the high dive, you make sure you have your legs closed and toes pointing downwards to avoid severe pain and injury. They make you sign a waiver to release them from liability regardless. Now the Lava Hot Springs Inn has its own hot pools which are very cool but they need to be cleaned up and restored to grandeur. These particular pools in the photo are located in the back of the main building. There is like a total of 9 pools I think like this one. and these and this one Now there is what they call a Redneck Sweat Lodge there too for you to relax in. Now the key to the revival of this place is the revelation I received from God to get it restored to Grandeur. I am a big fan of Kelly Young , the great fisher woman and huntress and she seems extremely organized, disciplined, and she's a neat freak and picture straightener, and according to some video on youtube she has like 71 million dollars. I am thinking she could buy the Lava Hot Springs Inn and resurrect it to supreme glory and and make it a wonderful resort. God always has a backup plan so if not Kelly, then Rachel Cook the super model who is probably a billionaire by now whose photos make men's eyes cross but she does look great in Khaki and makes a nice adventurous female version of Indiana Jones. If not those two, some super rich person who wants to resurrect the Lava Hot Springs Inn. Now Lava Hot Springs is also famous for the Infamous Liger Town Project where a madman and his wife decided to play the role of Dr. Moreau and breed Tigers with African Lions. They were striving for a white and black striped one. The experiment turned into a nightmare of animal abuse and endangered the entire community of Lava Hot Springs when the animals escaped. This short video documentary kind of shows how dangerous the situation became. Liger Town and that story provided some great comedy inspiration for the film NAPOLEON DYNAMITE filmed in Franklin, Idaho which is not to far away.It also provided economic benefit because a brewery in Pocatello starting brewing a Liger Lager beer which became their best seller. Perhaps the new owners of the Lava Hot Springs Inn could design a Liger themed hotel room. I could imagine Kelly Young posing in a faux Liger Skin bikini similar to the pose Raquel Welch had in 1,000,000 Year B.C. My final request is someone buy this resort and make it super nice so the town of Lava Hot Springs could maybe be like the Sun Valley of Eastern Idaho. Here is a video for your review.
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