The Children of Light Compound is for sale and needs to be turned into a custom resort featuring a Pyramid and Bolwoningens

The Children of Light Compound is for sale in Dateland, Arizona. Check it out. Children of Light Compound for sale This was a religious cult that started in the town of Keremeos, British Columbia, Canada and then after much drifting through the United States they decided to build their paradise in Dateland, Arizona. This cult forbade anyone from having sex or children, they practiced celibacy, and made sure they had a celebation, a vegan diet, and prophesied the world was going to hell. Fascinating Article on the Children of Light (They might be right on that last point.) Like all cults, Jesus will return soon, which is like a running joke for the last couple of thousand years. My best guess is he will return when I finally scratch off a 300 million dollar winning lottery ticket and he will be at my door with his hand out. I'm so blessed......... Check out the compound. 
and some of the other buildings. 
Lots of Date palms on the property.
The Children of Light supported themselves by selling honey. 
My goal is to have someone buy the property, tear everything to the ground and remove it and put in a solar powered Bolwoningen Resort. 
Now that would bring some life to the party!!! My architectural change in design on the Bolwoningens is to have solar panels built into the roof so each globe home has its own independent power. Like an eco-resort. Even the Children of Light used solar power and why not. Dateland, Arizona is hot as hell with lots of sunshine. 
Notice the solar panels on the property here in the photo above. Bolwoningens would be perfect resort homes because they give each family privacy and instead of being in a boring cabin or square shaped home you are nestled in a perfect organic shape. The earth is a sphere, your mother's womb was a sphere, and we should be living in sphere's, especially in this resort idea. Check out the schematics of the Bolwoningen 
I would make the interior luxurious and comfortable with round beds and modern appliances and electronics. A true and visually appealing vacation dwelling. I would have multiple swimming pools. One larger pool shaped like a Roadrunner 
and another pool shaped like a coiled rattlesnake 
but with walls high enough to make you feel like you are wandering through a water filled slot canyon. So Arizona like. Now the restaurant would be shaped like a pyramid to set it apart from the globe dwellings. 
Now I would call the resort HOTEL BABYLON RESORT & SPA!!! If that name has been taken then THE LOST HORIZON RESORT IN DATELAND I think the electronic brochure should sport some models with their pretend Latin phylum name descriptions posing outside and inside the Bolwoningens, restaurant, and the pools. So I just pulled some photos off the web and went to work. Our first model for the brochure, with fake phylum Latin name (Rock Climbmacus, Musclecus, Tarzanicus, Super Hottiecus) 
and regular photo Sierra
and then we have the beguiling (Queenicus of Babylonicus) 
aka: Wonder Woman! I juxtapose her pictures to the mental pictures I had as a youth performing proxy sealings (marriages in the LDS Temple and holding hands across an alter with an extremely elderly woman who reminded me of the "Crypt Keeper" in "Tales of the Darkside" staring into the mirrors of eternity with both of us dressed up sort of like the Roman outfit the Little Caesar's pizza guy wears. I was so stressed out I was like Commodore Matt Decker in the Star Trek episode: Doomsday Machine saying, "I was looking straight into hell Jim!" and I can honestly say I prefer looking at "Queenicus Babylonicus" then staring into the eternal mirrors with the "Crypt Keeper") I bet her husband is always happy and positive and has perfect blood pressure and does not even need coffee to be energized in the morning.....he is much blessed by God...Queenicus Babylonicus is a Wonder Woman!
and then we have (Coffeecus, Conch Shellicus , Skate Boardicus, Shark Fightercus Educational Pornographicas Bikiniest Babebicus) who is so seductive that watching her season fish is far more exciting then translating the Kama Sutra in Reform School Girl Egyptian" Her husband or future husband is much blessed by God. Kelly Young
then we have (Amazonicus Hottiecus Hot-Roddicus Supersonicus) 
and we also have (Corn-rowicus Eroticas Kill-Shoticus) 
and another photo for the resort advertisement vision 
which oddly enough mirrors and copies (Leanicus, Lythicus Hottiecus Super Modelcus) ***same tops purchased at THE DRESS BARN or wherever.*** They both do them justice!
and one more 
and last but not least  (Curvicus Barbie Dollicus Bombshellicus) 
I am just trying to give these fine young models a destiny. You can hire your own models for your own resort brochure, just make sure you use my ideas for the buildings, restaurant and swimming pools or you will be cursed for a 10 year time span or whenever the hell Jesus comes back...Anyhow this compound is for sale, I think a cool resort could be created using the Bolwoningens and Pyramid idea. The door is waiting to be opened....... 
Got to love those Bolwoningens and instead of some boring dying off religious cult freak show you get a resort that is architecturally pleasing and unique with the potential of a bunch of beautiful  models with pretend Scientific Latin Names laying around in Lounge chairs and pools soaking up the sun. The "Daughter of Jesus" would love this resort I think. Makes you think Mi Casa Su Casa!
So Cool!


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