Bisbee Grand Hotel for sale in Bisbee, Arizona

 The Bisbee Grand Hotel is for sale

Hotel includes a bar/restaurant as well. It has 13 rooms like THE VICTORIAN SUITE 
and of course this view 
and the view from the bed  towards the suite living room.
and the living room itself. 
and the bathroom 
Now for the Oriental Suite bedroom
Notice the elaborate woodwork above the bed. 
Perfect to stare up at if you need to kill time if your better half is eating Funyons, or that Stuckey Gas Station white divinity crap, or that tooth shattering peanut brittle......
Now the Oriental living room is also quite cool looking 
Another view 
and of course the bathroom of the Oriental room. 
Now the Wagon Room has an actual Wagon bed in it. I wonder if they have a sign that says, "If the buckboard is rockin, don't bother knockin" classy.......
I wonder if it comfortable. Here is a photo from the front. 
There is also a Captains Room which has two bedrooms in it. Check out the dining table area Notice the figurehead from a ship on the wall. 
and of course the sailing ship painting in the living room. 
and of course one of the bedrooms notice the Killer Whale carpet in front of the bed.
and of course the other room with ship paintings on the wall for the whole nautical theme thing.
There are a total of 13 rooms and a small restaurant which you see here 
The price seems steep for 3 million dollars but the place certainly has some charm to it and is located in Bisbee.
