Historic Dumas Brothel for sale in Butte, Montana. Would be perfect to transform this former brothel into cool B&B/restaurant.


You search and you search and you don't even know what you are looking for and then God answers your prayers by letting you know there is a historic brothel for sale in Butte, Montana...... 

The Bedrooms need just a little bit of remodeling

Maybe the rooms all painted red with red velvet curtains to give it that antique whore house luster everyone seems to crave these days like at the Witchery by the Castle in Edinburgh Scotland. Check out the room photo: Pure Whorehouse Luster!

As you can see the hallways need lots of remodeling as well. The following room really looks cool. It has that stained red satin look, just needs the red velvet drapes.
I would remodel the room above to look like this one at the Crazy Bear in Beaconfield, England.
I mean this would satisfy every Bible thumping, Patriotic, Constitution in the back pocket, pistol packing American and it could also cater to tourists, foreigners, and other people.

I just love the interiors of the Dumas, they just need renovated. You remodel this former brothel into a proper B&B/restaurant and you could have success like the people who revitalized the brothel known now as The Red Garter Inn in Williams, Arizona Red Garter Inn and those who revitalized The Palace Hotel in Port Townsend, Washington. The Palace Hotel where each room is named after the madame or whore who lived in the room filled with quality antiques. Kind of touching and historic. You rich people who like to do eclectic things, think about buying and restoring this historic Dumas Brothel into a fantastic B&B/restaurant. Historic and Haunted Dumas Brothel 
Love the hallways and being able to look at the lower floor from above. 
and of course a sitting room. 
Not to mention the uber creepy basement stairs and basement bedroom. 
The whole Folsom prison blues style decor needs to be updated.
They will leave the "red light" on for you. 
This would be really cool to see this updated into a nice place in Butte for people to stay and dine at with an outstanding and lovely bit of Butte History to it.
