I think about that line in that John Denver song, "Like A Storm In The Desert" and it reminded me of childhood when Dad took us out to the St. Anthony Sand Dunes in high winds and tried to cook Chunky soup with a sterno stove. The soup was really hard to eat because it had so much sand in it and it was cold because sterno does a lousy job of heating. We then had a dessert of Rally Candy Bars and that was a trip we never tried to do again.......
Whether it is the St. Anthony Sand Dunes or some Godforsaken desert in Oregon, Utah, Washington, Idaho, Arizona,Wyoming, or any lifeless place in Texas, the AGG HAB is the perfect structure because it blends with the environment. The AGG HAB
 Why try to beautify the desert?
 You can't! It's drab, it's boring, it's hot, it is practically lifeless but it does have a lot of poisonous snakes, biting and stinging insects, a total lack of water, and you can die in it easily and I think that is why it has its appeal.
 Americans love hardship and suffering. We are the only modern country that does not have universal healthcare. Repeat: Americans love misery and hardship and immense suffering. So the resort idea is to appeal to strictly Americans. It will provide a place where they can be in some sort of communal hell hole. No running water, no toilet, no furniture, just simply living in a natural light filled hole. Bring your own blanket, water, food, and a sterno stove to cook it on.
I think it would be a big hit in the Texas Desert where they have erected these. It is a unique idea. The building material is paper mache.
This is the August idea!
The St. Anthony Sand Dunes are beautiful. 30 miles of the prehistoric bottom of Lake Bonneville. The sand is all that remains.
