Have Ibuku build a Bamboo resort on the island of South Walton.

There are no buildings made of bamboo in the United States according to an article I read. It is time to change that fact. The idea is to build a bamboo resort on South Walton Island which happens to be for sale for a mere 2.5 million. Now IBUKU could make history building a Bamboo Resort on this island. Florida is about as tropical as it gets for the mainland United States.
Now a picture of the island.
Maybe have a Bamboo Village beside the resort using the same principles applied by Andres Duany
I think it would look pretty cool! It would be close to the amazing towns of SeasideAlys Beach, and Rosemary Beach Now some interiors of the structure.
Interesting entry point.

and  the living area.
and one final photo

I think it would work.
